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Striking architectural winter gardens
Create an appreciation for textural foliage, the architectural structure of perennials and grasses in a winter garden.

Innovative nature play landscape
This innovative play landscape of wild and natural design rejects preconceived notions of a playground in favour of a more natural approach

Urban private garden upgrade
Looking to re-design their urban garden for improved acccess, seating, enhanced aesthetics, colourful planting & embracing seasonal change.

Wildflower Conservation Society
A brilliant visit to the Wildflower Conservation Society in Stanmer Park in Brighton, with the Landscape Institute South East.

Plant security and supporting Landscape Professionals
Plant security, high quality specifications, plant importing, supporting education, CPD’s and working across the landscape industry.

South Downs reptile surveys
Reptile survey with Froglife at Wilding Waterhall, north of Brighton in the South Downs. Tips, techniques and skills to help you survey for

Future Countryside Conference 2024
Future Countryside to include climate change, supporting biodiversity, improving our public health, housing, and tackling food security.

The route of exploration
Combined with textural planting and enticing views, path are an integral experience of any garden and unique to each user who travels them.

Resilient Waterfront Regeneration
Resilient & biodiverse waterfront, with nature focused, multi-functional living & working areas offering cultural & education opportunities

Kent Design Conference 2024
Planning for a Sustainable Future - challenges and opportunities with housing, net zero carbon, biodiversity, placemaking & wellbeing.

Biodiverse & edible urban garden
An urban garden renovation, adding colour, texture, and depth. Seasonal colours and combined with edible flowers and vegetable growing areas

Landscape Institute South East AGM
Brilliant day of networking and cake at our Landscape Institute South East AGM with a visit to the MERL in Reading.

Sustainable drainage guides
Sustainable drainage systems should be used to maximise the opportunities and benefits to flood mitigation, biodiversity and place making.

6 Step Edible Organic Garden Planning
Edible Garden Planning, clear goals with to understand what would be possible for your garden, as well as areas for socializing & relaxing.

Well designed family urban zones
A few basic design principles repeatedly are absent from new housing developments, such as: variety, adaptability, quality, biodiversity

LI South East weekend nature walk
Landscape Institute SE Winchester nature walk, a great opportunity for networking and ideas sharing with other landscape professionals.

Peat free
It's crucial to support nurseries that are making the effort to shift to greener choices, and peat free compost.

Kitchen garden raised bed
A raised kitchen garden bed with the fresh greens combining beautifully with the pops of colour from the edible flowers and natural stone ma

Community Wellbeing Garden
Connections Community Welbeing Garden is designed around 3 connected concepts - community, with your body & mind, & nature

4 things people don't realise actually make their garden feel smaller
4 things people don't realise actually make their garden feel smaller

West Sussex garden living
Water features add a sense of movement and tranquillity, the soft sound of gently flowing water, enhanced by the textural planting

Childrens wildlife pond adventure
An exciting and educational afternoon with Jenny and Will from Froglife, taking us on an adventure to explore the wildlife which can be...

Sailing garden inspiration
The sailboat floats beautifully here in the upgraded garden nestled within the planting and sitting on top of the large rough textured stone

London planted terraces and play area
These London terraces at Tottenham Hale has been a fascinating project, they include a play area, timber seating, raised planters and pots

Pond regeneration at Coldean School
The discovering dew ponds project run by Froglife is addressing the loss of dewponds in the South Downs.

MOS Neighbourhood Development Plan
Working with the Parish, WSCC, & local community, in assisting with the creation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Middleton-on-Sea

A day to celebrate planet friendly food
To raise awareness of how food relates to climate change, and celebrate local efforts to
create a better food system.

Planning a school vegetable garden
School gardens allow children to be active outdoors, work as a team, reduce stress levels, gaining new skills and to eat fresh food.

Creating your own wildlife pond
Adding water to your garden is a wonderful way to do your bit for the neighbourhood wildlife, as well the fantastic benefits they bring us.

Eco-club insect hotel creations
We have a great opportunity at our community allotment project to allow school visits and eco clubs to connect to nature, protect the local

Seaside planting challenges & inspiration
Seaside and coastal gardens are admired by most, but they do come with their challenges and can be designed beautifully with a little...

Wildflowers & pollinators
Wildflowers play an important role in the life cycle of plants and supporting local biodiversity which attract pollinators to your garden

Bed preparation and fresh herbal tea
One of those fun days where we gather as a group, forks ready, chatting and clearing beds, preparation for the next lot of planting.

Mountain side Yoga Shala
Nestled within the landscape, this yoga shala offers a deep connection with nature and the exploration between the mind, body and soul.

Spring planting tips
Excited to be back at the Project this week, the wind is chilly, the sun is shining, the birds are out and the team is full of enthusiasm fo

Soil improving plants & green manure
Growing plants which positively contribute to improving the soil of your garden and to ensure your plants have access to plenty of nutrients

Gardening with a community allotment
Sharing my journey as part of the Whitehawk Community Food Project, the organic gardening group of volunteers.

Wildlife-friendly urban garden design
Designing an urban garden that is not only colourful and practical, but is also attractive to wildlife.

West Sussex seaside garden transformation
This exciting garden transformation from an old crumbling overgrown entrance driveway to an attractive and seaside resilient front garden...

Interconnected living – Health, Wellness & Nature
What a day and what a show! After visiting The Hampton Court Flower show 3 times previously, this was my first time to visit The Hampton...

The wonders of Paxton's rockery
Surrounded by these large incredible rock forms really makes you feel like a tiny ant in this stunning garden. Overflowing with plants,...
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